
Office Meditation 

Office Yoga
January 14, 2019
Positive Thinking
February 4, 2019

Office Meditation 

Business and healthy lifestyle concept. Young office woman sitting cross-legged in padmasana yoga pose at workplace. Calm business lady meditating on her break time

Megginson Method in the Office

Office Meditation

Many business leaders like Ray Dalio (billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates), Jeff Weiner (the CEO of LinkedIn), Bill Ford (the executive chairman of Ford Motor Company)* stand by meditation as their most effective method to increase mind performance at work.

Here’s why taking just a 5 minutes to perform Megginson Method Office Meditation once a day will improve your performance at work.

1. Improves working memory

 A study based on a 2-week mindfulness training demonstrated improved working memory capacity. Individuals in the study were given a standardized test and those who completed the 2-week training performed 16% better

2. Increases concentration and focus

Because the aim of mindfulness meditation is to focus attention on an object, idea or activity, it strengthens your cognitive skills on the job. You experience less brain fog and that magic state of flow is much easier to achieve.

3. Alters your brain cells

In 2011, a Harvard study found meditation can increase the thickness of the brain in areas responsible for learning, memory, and regulation of emotion. The study also found that there was a significant decrease in brain cell volume in areas responsible for anxiety, fear and stress.

4. Reduces anxiety with long lasting results

Studies have shown that individuals who followed an initial 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction program achieved benefits in reducing anxiety which lasted years after the initial program.

 Watch my video for a quick and simple meditation at your desk. Practice once a day for 5 days and let me know how it effects you in the comments bellow.

* https://www.businessinsider.com/5-successful-leaders-that-have-used-meditation-to-be-more-productive-2018-4?r=US&IR=T

Many business leaders like Ray Dalio (billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates), Jeff Weiner (the CEO of LinkedIn), Bill Ford (the executive chairman of Ford Motor Company)* stand by meditation as their most effective method to increase mind performance at work.

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